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UKNEST Science and Engineering Scholarship

UKNEST Science and Engineering Scholarship


United Kingdom Naval Engineering Science & Technology (UKNEST) is offering 12 Undergraduate Scholarships to students studying at UK universities & colleges.  The Scholarship is open to students registered on any STEM subject degree and is for one year.  Most employers within this sector require UK security clearance for specific positions.


Applications are encouraged from Mathematics, Science, Technology and Engineering undergraduates. The Scholarship is for ONE year only.


The Scholarship provides:

  1. A Scholarship grant of £1,500 per academic year
  2. Mentoring from a UKNEST Member Organization
  3. UKNEST graduate buddy
  4. The potential for work-placement with a UKNEST Organization

Application Process

Applications should be made online at here and require:

  1. A copy of the applicants CV (with contact details, including out-of-term e-mail)
  2. An essay (500 words max.) on the topic outlined on the UKNEST website here 
  3. A written reference from your academic tutor/mentor
