The from Woodbury University will prepare you for mid-to-senior management level careers in general management, accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, and operations both in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. It fits into the busy professional life while providing the quality you?re looking for in an advanced degree.
A focus on sustainability will help you harness what is good for you, good for the society, and good for the planet.
A focus on entrepreneurship will provide the tools and confidence necessary to turn vision into reality.
An emphasis on ethics will help you achieve a level of success that creates a better world for you and those around you.
Our Business Administration curriculum is comprised of a sound foundation of functional skills in the areas of accounting, finance, economics, marketing, and IT. This knowledge base is further enhanced by a heavy dose of organizational behavior skills, including emotional intelligence, ethical leadership, and strategy. In addition, the program capstone provides a simulation of what it takes to run a multimillion-dollar company, focusing on finance, the cause and effect relationships between functional areas, satisfying customer demands, competitive analysis, leadership, management development, and team process skills