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Architectural Technology and Design - BSc(Hons)

Architectural Technology and Design - BSc(Hons)

University: University of West England
England, UK

Course Level - UG
Type - Full Time
Duration - 3 Years
Intake - January-September

  • The teaching staff provide a friendly environment for learning. They actively engage in research and professional practice to make sure you know about the latest ideas and business drivers.
  • Learn through a mix of studio work, lectures, seminars, laboratory work, tutorials and computer-based techniques. 
  • Discover design concepts through studio work and computer modelling, and develop technologies from basic scientific principles.
  • Build on techniques learned in year one, practicing and applying all aspects of design to a range of building problems.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL

  1. [Design Studio 1
  2. Construction Technology and Services
  3. Building Science.
  4.  Design Representation
  5. History of Architecture
  6. Technology and Design Studio 2
  7. Commercial Development
  8. Procurement and Contract Practice.
  9.  Technology and Design Studio 3
  10. Collaborative Practices in Building Information Management and Modelling
  11. Collaborative Practice or Work Based Research Project or Procurement and Contract Law.
  12. Conservation of Buildings and Places
  13. Energy Management and Performance Evaluation
  14. Technology Innovation and Life Cycles.

To apply please contact us.