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Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (with Foundation Year) - BEng(Hons)

Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (with Foundation Year) - BEng(Hons)

University: University of West England
England, UK

Course Level - UG
Type - Full Time
Duration - 4 Years
Intake - January-September

  • Learn through lectures, tutorials and seminars with a programme of laboratory, practical and project work.
  • You'll design, develop and optimise a model aircraft in the first year Introduction to Aeronautics module. You'll have the opportunity to undertake.
  • Approximate percentage of time you'll spend in different learning activities.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL

  1.  Aerospace Systems Design
  2. Engineering Practice 2
  3. Engineering Research
  4. Flight
  5. Fundamental Aero-Propulsion
  6. Fundamental Aerodynamics
  7. Structural Mechanics.
  8.  Aerospace Group Design Project
  9. Engineering Project
  10. Pilot and Airline Operations
  11. Professionalism for Engineers.
  12.  Aero Structures
  13. Avionics
  14. Composite Engineering
  15. Control Engineering
  16. Digital Manufacturing in Aerospace
  17. Further Aero-Propulsion
  18. Further Aerodynamics
  19. Integrated Electro-Mechanical Systems
  20. Space Engineering
  21. Spaceflight.

To apply please contact us.