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Aerospace Engineering - BEng(Hons)

Aerospace Engineering - BEng(Hons)

University: University of West England
England, UK

Course Level - UG
Type - Full Time
Duration - 3 Years
Intake - January-September

  • Learn through lectures, tutorials and seminars with a programme of laboratory, practical and project work.
  • You'll design, develop and optimise a model aircraft in the first year Introduction to Aeronautics module. You'll have the opportunity to undertake.
  • Approximate percentage of time you'll spend in different learning activities.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL

  1.  Aerospace Engineering
  2. Aerospace Thermofluids
  3. Dynamics Modelling and Simulation
  4. Engineering Practice 1
  5. Solid Mechanics Materials and Manufacturing.
  6.  Aerospace Systems Design
  7. Engineering Practice 2
  8. Engineering Research
  9. Flight
  10. Fundamental Aero-Propulsion
  11. Fundamental Aerodynamics
  12. Structural Mechanics.
  13. [3:30 pm, 19/02/2022] Don: Engineering Project
  14. Aerospace Group Design Project
  15. Professionalism for Engineers.
  16. : Aero Structures
  17. Avionics
  18. Composite Engineering
  19. Control Engineering
  20. Digital Manufacturing in Aerospace
  21. Further Aero-Propulsion
  22. Further Aerodynamics
  23. Integrated Electro-Mechanical Systems
  24. Space Engineering
  25. Spaceflight.

To apply please contact us.