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Bachelor of Commerce I

Bachelor of Commerce I

University: University of Alberta

Course Level - UG
Type - Full Time
Duration - 4 Years
Intake - January - September

  • This major — unique to the Alberta School of Business — incorporates courses on both Economics and Law, examining the economic and legal aspects of business and how they combine to create the environment in which firms operate.
  • You’ll gain an understanding of the economic and legal aspects of business decisions, and of how the law affects businesses and institutions.
  • This program prepares graduates for management, planning, and policy-making roles in organizations of all sizes in the private and public sectors.
  • It is also appropriate for students considering pursuing advanced degrees in law, management, and public administration.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1. English (Literature & Composition)
  2.  Fine Arts
  3. Humanities
  4. Languages other than English
  5. Math/Sciences
  6.  Humanities
  7. Languages other than English
  8. Math/Sciences
To apply please contact us.