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BA, MPP Economics + Public Policy

BA, MPP Economics + Public Policy

University: Simmons University

Course Level - UG
Type - Full Time
Duration - 4 Years
Intake - August - January

  • Coursework in the first three years draws on our vigorous liberal arts curriculum to provide an strong foundation in economics. Master's level coursework in public policy begins by the end of the third year and culminates in an intense and practical Capstone Project in Public Policy.
  • Drawing on Boston's vibrant legislative, nonprofit and advocacy resources, the Capstone blends your internship experience with the opportunity to address real policy issues in a substantial written work. 
  • You'll graduate with a command of public policy analysis and a deep understanding of the different contexts in which public policy is developed and implemented — ready to lead and implement real change.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE


To apply please contact us.