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Marketing Management

Marketing Management

University: Sheridan College

Course Level - Graduate
Type - Full Time
Duration - 1 Year
Intake - Jan-May-Sept

  • Apply search engine marketing, social media promotion and marketing analytics principles to optimize your organization's marketing efforts.
  • Learn basic marketing graphics skills to create support materials such as brochures, newsletters and web page updates.
  • Write marketing and communications plans.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE/DUOLINGO

  1. Applied Marketing Theory
  2. Advertising, Promotion and Public Relations
  3. Fundamentals of Economics & Finance
  4. Digital Marketing – Owned Media
  5. Computer Applications for Career Management
  6. The Digital Customer Experience
  7.  Marketing Strategy
  8.  Professional Sales & Communications Techniques
  9.  Marketing Anaytics
  10.  Digital Marketing – Paid Media
  11.  Visual Communication Design
  12.  Co-op Work Term

To apply please contact us.