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Office Administration - Executive

Office Administration - Executive

University: Sault College

Course Level - Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 46 WEEKS
Intake - September

  • Plus, our experienced instructors will help fine-tune your decision making and customer service skills to help you shine in team and customer-facing business environments.
  • The Sault College office administration program is offered over three consecutive semesters allowing you to enter the workforce faster than those enrolled in a traditional 2-year program, giving you unique advantage in your job search in an increasingly competitive economy.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/DUOLINGO

  1.    Weeks
  2.   Business Mathematics
  3.  Applied Office Communications I
  4.  Office Fundamentals
  5.   Business Word Processing
  6.   Computer Essentials
  7.   Interpersonal Dynamics
  8.   Weeks
  9.   Business Mathematics
  10.  Applied Office Communications I
  11.   Spreadsheets - Level I
  12.  Office Fundamentals
  13.  Administrative Office Procedures
  14.   Supporting Office Technology
  15.  Interpersonal Dynamics
  16.   Weeks
  17.  Employment Strategies
  18.   Database Management and Applications
  19.   Applied Office Communications II
  20.   Advanced Document Production
  21.   Student Selected General Education
  22.   Weeks
  23.   Employment Strategies
  24.  Applied Office Communications II
  25.  Desktop Publishing
  26.   Social Media in the Workplace
  27.  Records Management
  28.   Student Selected General Education
  29.  Weeks
  30.  Bookkeeping
  31.  Administrative Office Simulation
  32.   Integrated Research
  33.   Presentation Graphics
  34.   Career Experience I
  35.   Weeks
  36.  Automated Accounting
  37.   Keyboarding Speed Development
  38.   Event Management
  39.   Spreadsheets - Level II
  40.   Global Citizenship
  41.   Weeks
  42.   Career Experience II

To apply please contact us.