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Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant

Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant

University: Sault College

Course Level - Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - September

  • Through a combination of theoretical and practical learning in the classroom, laboratory, and field placements you will gain the core skills and hands-on experience to meet the demands of an occupational therapy assistant and/or physiotherapist assistant.
  • Program highlights include: • Learning to assist individuals to regain or maintain independent function and mobility• Participating in exciting fieldwork activities beginning in the first semester and gaining valuable clinical skills from experienced clinicians in a variety of work settings•
  • Experiencing student-centred learning in class and in small labs, with professors who are also clinicians in the field• An onsite physiotherapy clinic that provides assessment and treatment while offering students fieldwork placements• Opportunities to further your education and pursue a degree by transferring to partnering universities  Once you complete the Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant program, you`ll have the knowledge and skills to work alongside registered occupational therapists and physiotherapists to provide a vital healthcare service and improve people’s quality of life.
  • Interested in continuing your training education and earn your degree? We’ve got you covered! Because of our partnership with universities such as Lake Superior State University, Lakehead University and even Northampton in the UK, you can transfer specific credits earned toward achieving a university degree in programs such as Kinesiology. It’s easy and it’s awesome! You were meant to help those in need. And we think that’s so cool! Get started at Sault College.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/DUOLINGO

  1.   Communications I
  2.  Fitness & Wellness: Principles and Applications
  3.   Human Anatomy
  4.  Human Movement
  5.   Fieldwork Practicum I
  6.  Interpersonal Communication in Rehabilitation I
  7.  The Health Care System and Rehabilitation
  8.   Lifespan Development
  9.  Applied Human Movement
  10.   Physical Agents
  11.   Physiotherapy Clinical Skills I
  12.  Occupational Therapy Principles and Clinical Skills I
  13.   Clinical Pathology I
  14.   Fieldwork Practicum II
  15.  Global Citizenship
  16.   Physiotherapy Clinical Skills II
  17.   Occupational Therapy Clinical Skills II
  18.   Mental Health Conditions & Psychosocial Issues
  19.  Clinical Pathology II
  20.  Fieldwork Practicum III
  21.    Interpersonal Communication in Rehabilitation II
  22.  Student Selected General Education
  23.   Clinical Case Studies
  24.   Documentation Skills for the OTA/PTA
  25.  Professional Topics in Rehabilitation
  26.   Fieldwork Practicum IV
  27.   Fieldwork Practicum V
  28.  Communication Disorders in Rehabilitation

To apply please contact us.