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Natural Environment Technologist - Conservation and Management

Natural Environment Technologist - Conservation and Management

University: Sault College

Course Level - Advance Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 3 Years
Intake - September

  • Get hands-on as a key member of important field project teams and related Ontario agencies (we’re talking about making real connections) focused on the conservation and management of our natural resources. And work independently on meaningful projects in aquatic ecosystems, species at risk, invasive species and climate change.
  • In the Natural Environment Technologist Program, you will learn about data collection, analysis and reporting, testing your knowledge on multi-day field trips, in a 45-hectare outdoor lab and newly constructed Waterfront Adventure Centre. 
  • Plus, through a new partnership with the regional conversation authority, we’ve expanded our outdoor classroom adding more diverse lands to research and apply real-world natural resource management concepts.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/DUOLINGO

  1.   Communications I
  2.  Introduction to Green Careers
  3.   Fish and Wildlife Studies I
  4.   Outdoor Equipment Certifications
  5.   Trees and Shrubs I
  6.  Outdoor Navigation
  7.   Fall Field Camp - First Year
  8.  Science and Nature
  9.  Co-op Work Placement I
  10.   is mandatory and takes place in the summer.
  11.   Technical Communication
  12.   Work-Ready Skills
  13.   Fish and Wildlife Studies II
  14.   Geographic Information Systems
  15.   Data Analysis & Presentation
  16.  Ecology
  17.  Trees and Shrubs II
  18.  Global Citizenship
  19.   Networking and Career Search
  20.   Aquatic Ecosystem Surveys
  21.   Second Year Fall Field Camp
  22.   Naturalizing Urban Environments
  23.   Wetland Conservation
  24.   Forest Practices and the Environment
  25.   Ecosystem Classification
  26.  Introduction to Soil Science
  27.   Career Readiness
  28.   Global Environmental Issues
  29.   Terrestrial Ecosystem Surveys
  30.  General Entomology
  31.  Environmental Monitoring
  32.   Reneweable Energy/Site Development
  33.  Natural Resources Law
  34.   Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  35.  Student Selected General Education
  36.   Invasive Species Management
  37.  Environmental Assessment - Policy and Implementation
  38.  Species at Risk Management
  39.   Applied GIS
  40.  Fall Field Exercises
  41.  Ecosystem Studies
  42.   Field Investigative Techniques
  43.   Source Water Protection
  44.  Conservation, Law and Compliance
  45.   Mining Practices & the Environment
  46.   Applied Environmental Assessment
  47.   Computer Applications
  48.  Independent Study

To apply please contact us.