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Child and Youth Care

Child and Youth Care

University: Sault College

Course Level - Advance Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 3 Years
Intake - September

  • Apply your learning and your passion to get a head start on your future. This three-year advanced diploma program offers four levels of field placements in the community, small class sizes and a cooperative learning environment designed to prepare you to excel in your career helping others
  • Meet the unique needs of all communities.
  • The CYC program at Sault College is one of the only Child and Youth Care programs in Ontario to offer a formalized course in working with gender and sexuality and minority children, youth and their families. We want to help you make the biggest impact!
  • Earn a university degree in as little as 8 months! Introducing our Two Plus Two Pathway to Degree option with Algoma University. Students can join us for two years and will only need two more with our partnering University to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.
  • If making a difference is your passion, you will find it here.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/DUOLINGO

  1.   3 College Communication Skills
  2.  3 Introduction to Human Relations
  3.  3 Relational Practice in CYC
  4.   3 CYC Methods I: Intro. to the Profession
  5.   3 Introduction to Psychology
  6.  3 Global Citizenship
  7.  3 Human Services Communication
  8.   3 Therapeutic Recreation
  9.  3 CYC Methods II: Behavioural Intervention
  10.  3 Child and Adolescent Development
  11.  3 Addictions: Evidence Informed Practice
  12.   4 Community Practicum I: Prep and Seminar
  13.  3 Counselling Skills I
  14.   3 Group Dynamics I
  15.  Case Management
  16.   2 Legislation and Social Issues
  17.   7 Community Practicum II
  18.  2 Integrated Seminar II
  19.   3 Group Dynamics II
  20.  Youth In Conflict with the Law
  21.   Counselling Skills II
  22.   Abuse and Family Violence
  23.  Child and Adolescent Mental Health I
  24.   Student Selected General Education
  25.  Greif and Loss in Child and Youth Care
  26.   Working with Diverse Populations
  27.  CYC Methods IV: Trauma Focused Therapies
  28.   Child and Adolescent Mental Health IICommunity Practicum III
  29.   Integrated Seminar III
  30.  Community Development
  31.   Gender and Sexuality in CYC
  32.  Community Practicum IV
  33.  Integrated Seminar IV
  34.  Introduction to Indigenous Canada

To apply please contact us.