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Business (Online Program Delivery)

Business (Online Program Delivery)

University: Sault College

Course Level - Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - September

  • The Sault College Business program specializes in providing you with the best education possible in the competitive world of business. Sault College`s unique geographic location, bordering the United States, allows us the opportunity to provide a global perspective to the important study of business.
  • Our well-respected instructors and curriculum integrate the use of current technologies and innovative software in a simulation of the real world of business, giving you the edge you need to succeed.
  • You can rest assured that the Business program will provide you with a unique set of skills that are in increasing demand and highly regarded by the business community. At Sault College, preparing you for a successful career is Our Business.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/DUOLINGO

  1.   Accounting Basics I
  2.   Excel
  3.   Introduction to Business
  4.  Human Resource Management Principles
  5.  Communications I
  6.   Business Math
  7. OEL768 - 3 Marketing 1
  8.  Cost & Managerial Accounting 1
  9.   Business Report Writing
  10.   Computerized Accounting
  11.  Microeconomics - Introduction
  12.   Marketing 2
  13.  Finance and Accounting Math
  14.   Global Citizenship
  15.   Personal Selling
  16.   Ethical Issues in Business
  17.  Introduction to Supply Chain and Operations Management
  18.   Statistics
  19.  Macroeconomics - Introduction
  20.   Intro to Business Management and Organizational Behaviour
  21.   Business Law I
  22.   Business Simulation
  23.   Entrepreneurship
  24.  Finance for Non-Finance Managers (OCGC)
  25.   Introduction to Project Management
  26.   Managing the Small Business
  27.  Student Selected General Education

To apply please contact us.