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Adventure Recreation and Parks Technician

Adventure Recreation and Parks Technician

University: Sault College

Course Level - Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - September

  • Unique to Canada, this two-year program concentrates on three main areas of study: parks operations, interpretation and protection; adventure recreation and recreation planning; and, ecotourism and adventure expeditions. All while keeping a broad focus on natural resource management and sustainability.
  • Field trips and hands-on experience are an essential part of this program. You’ll visit many park systems, conservation areas and recreational facilities across the vast Algoma region where you’ll learn field identification skills across diverse ecosystems.
  • And during fall camp, you’ll be exposed to awesome outdoor recreation skills like canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, and camping.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/DUOLINGO

  1.   Communications I
  2.  Introduction to Green Careers
  3.  Fish and Wildlife Studies I
  4.  Trees and Shrubs I
  5.  Outdoor Navigation
  6.    Adventure Recreation I
  7.   Fall Field Camp - First Year
  8.   Science and Nature
  9.   Park Operations
  10.   is mandatory and takes place in the summer.
  11.  Work-Ready Skills
  12.  Numeracy and Quantitative Reasoning
  13.   Fish and Wildlife Studies II
  14.   Outdoor Equipment Certifications
  15.   Ecology
  16.  Trees and Shrubs II
  17.  Adventure Recreation II
  18.   Horticulture Groundskeeper
  19.  Superior Expedition
  20.  Networking and Career Search
  21.   Geographic Information Systems
  22.   Park Interpretation
  23.   Adventure Recreation and Parks Leadership
  24.   Physical Geology
  25.  Ecosystem Classification
  26.   Global Citizenship
  27.   Wilderness First Aid
  28.   Career Readiness
  29.  Protecting Park Values
  30.   Planning Recreational Events
  31.   Adventure Ecotourism
  32.   Natural Environment Business Management
  33.   Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival
  34.   Sustainable Resource Management
  35.   Student Selected General Education

To apply please contact us.