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Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant I

Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant I

University: Niagara College

Course Level - Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - January-September

  • As an Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant, you ensure the best possible rehabilitation outcomes for children and adults with impaired physical function.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1.  Anatomy and Physiology 
  2.  Communication in Healthcare I  
  3.  Basic Clinical Skills and Theory  
  4.  Rehabilitation Concepts Across the Lifespan  
  5.  Introduction to Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy  
  6.  Functional Human Anatomy & Movement  
  7.  Introductory Psychology  
  8.  Clinical Documentation  
  9.  Clinical Pathology I  
  10.  Therapeutic Foundations for the OTA and PTA  
  11.  Field Placement Seminar l  
  12.  Introduction to Interprofessional Education and Practice  
  13.  Field Placement I  
  14.  Ethics and Professionalism  
  15.  Clinical Pathology II  
  16.  OTA and PTA Therapeutic Skills I  
  17.  Field Placement Seminar Il  
  18.  OTA and PTA Therapeutic Skills II  
  19.  Field Placement II  
  20.  Professional Issues Related to the OTA and PTA  
  21.  Field Placement Seminar Ill  
  22.  OTA and PTA Therapeutic Skills III  
  23.  Trends and Issues in Rehabilitation  
  24.  Therapeutic Skills Across the Lifespan  
  25.  Field Placement III  

To apply please contact us.