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Environmental Technician – Field and Laboratory (Co-op)

Environmental Technician – Field and Laboratory (Co-op)

University: Niagara College

Course Level - Graduate
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - January-September

  • Consider a technical career that emphasizes collection, documentation and analysis of water, air and soil samples in the context of local watersheds and relevant policies and regulations.
  • As an Environmental Technician, you enjoy the variety of working both outdoors and in lab settings, and you have the flexibility and skills to work in industry, government or conservation; monitoring and treating waste streams, documenting ecosystem processes, and conducting environmental site assessments.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1.  Computer Applications  
  2.  Writing Strategies  
  3.  Environmental Biology  
  4.  Environmental Chemistry 
  5.  Global Environmental Issues  
  6. ENVR1207 Environmental Sampling and Analysis  
  7. MATH1133 Mathematics  
  8.  Technical Communications  
  9.  Environmental Ecology  
  10.  Management  
  11.  Laboratory Techniques and Instrumental Analysis  
  12.  Soil Science 
  13.  Applied Mathematics  
  14.   Workplace Health and Wellness 
  15.  Environmental Resource Issues and Environment Site Assessments  
  16.  Fundamentals of Surveying  
  17.  Microbiology and Toxicology  
  18.  Hydrology and Water Quality  
  19.  Analytical Chemistry 
  20.  Environmental Monitoring 
  21.  Environmental Laws and Regulations  
  22.  Environmental Project  
  23.   Advanced Sampling and Analysis  
  24.  Air Monitoring and Air Quality  
  25.  Environmental Protocols  
  26.  GIS Applications 

To apply please contact us.