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Educational Assistant – Special Needs Support

Educational Assistant – Special Needs Support

University: Niagara College

Course Level - Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - January-September

  • Be prepared for two career paths in this unique dual focused program. As an Educational Support or a Developmental Support Worker, you are skilled and compassionate about supporting students and adults with exceptionalities in a community or educational based setting.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1.  Computer Applications   
  2.  Essential Communication Skills for Community Services  
  3.  Educational Foundations And Strategies  
  4.  Literacy Support and Strategies  
  5.  Professional Roles of the Educational Assistant / Support Worker  
  6.  Developmental Disabilities - Overview  
  7.  Activities of Daily Living Supports  
  8.  Numeracy Support and Strategies  
  9.  Exceptionalities I  
  10.  Assistive Technology Across The Lifespan  
  11.  Person Directed Planning 
  12.  Introductory Psychology  
  13.  Adaptive Recreational Strategies  
  14.  Field Placement I - Educational Assistant / Support Worker
  15.  Positive Behaviour Supports  
  16.  Advocacy, Empowerment and Choice   
  17.  Differentiated Instruction  
  18.  Personal Development for the Workplace  
  19.  Pharmacology  
  20.  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Canada  
  21.  Field Placement II - Educational Assistant / Support Worker  
  22.  Autism Spectrum Disorder: Effective Strategies  
  23.  Community Resources  
  24.  Exceptionalities II 3
  25.   Professional Reporting for Educational Assistants and Support Workers  
  26.  Developmental Psychology 
  27.  Field Placement III - Educational Assistant / Support Worker  

To apply please contact us.