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Early Childhood Education II

Early Childhood Education II

University: Niagara College

Course Level - Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - January-September

  • As an Early Childhood Educator, you support early learning in a wide variety of educational programs and centres.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1.  Essential Communication Skills for Community Services  
  2.  Working with Infants and Toddlers  
  3.  Arts and Science I  
  4.  Foundations of ECE - I  
  5.  Child Development  
  6.  Field Placement I - Early Childhood Education  
  7.  Field Placement I - Early Childhood Education  
  8.  Diversity in the Early Years  
  9.  Foundations of ECE - II   
  10.  Stress and Resiliency  
  11.  Introductory Psychology  
  12.  Field Placement II - ECE  
  13. PRAC1216 Field Placement II - ECE  
  14. [4:15 pm, 09/03/2022] Don: EDUC1330 Arts and Science II  
  15. EDUC1331 Naturalistic Observation Research Methods  
  16. EDUC1232 Working with School-Age Children  
  17. SOCL1328 Child Abuse and Family Violence   
  18. PRAC1306 Field Placement III - ECE
  19. [4:15 pm, 09/03/2022] Don: EDUC1327 Entry to Practice  
  20. EDUC1432 Program Administration  
  21. EDUC1433 Working with Families  
  22. HDEV1434 Child Health and Well-Being 
  23. PRAC1407 Field Placement IV - ECE  

To apply please contact us.