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Art and Design Foundation

Art and Design Foundation

University: Niagara College

Course Level - UG Certificate
Type - Full Time
Duration - 1 Year
Intake - January-September

  • Earn credits for further study in Niagara College’s Graphic Design program, or prepare a strong portfolio for studies in other design or art related programs.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE/DUOLINGO

  1.  Life Drawing I  
  2.  Observational Drawing  
  3.  Professional Studio (Lecture Series)  
  4.  History of Modern Art 3
  5.  Applied Digital Technology I  
  6.  Design I  
  7.  Colour Theory  
  8.  Life Drawing II
  9.  Communications for Media Studies  
  10.  Design Studio I (Illustration)  
  11. Three-Dimensional Design Material Exploration  
  12.  Applied Digital Technology II  
  13.  Digital Photography Fundamentals
To apply please contact us.