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Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] Integrated Studies

Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] Integrated Studies

University: Middle Tennessee state university

Course Level - Bachelor Degree
Type - Full Time
Duration - 4 Years
Intake - Jan-Nov-Apr

  • The Bachelor of Science in Integrated Studies degree, which replaced the Bachelor of University Studies degree in Fall 2014, is an excellent option for students seeking a broad-based educational experience.
  • This program offers flexible course scheduling including online classes and particularly may help students with prior credits to complete their degree.
  • Students who have accumulated a variety of course credits that are not easily applied to a particular degree program often find that they can be used in this program, allowing them to graduate earlier at reduced costs.
  • Academic credit might also be available for previous military experience or certifications. The degree is interdisciplinary and not intended for training for one vocation. However, some pre-planned areas of emphasis are offered (Communication Studies, Health and Human Performance, Leadership Studies), or students may design their own with an advisor's approval.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/SAT/ACT


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