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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

University: Durham College

Course Level - Graduate
Type - Full Time
Duration - 1-2 Years
Intake - January-September

  • From recruitment and selection to training and development, a career in human resources (HR) requires a focus on both strategy and people.
  • Skill, knowledge and ability in human resource planning, occupational health and safety, compensation, hiring, employee development, labour relations and managerial accounting enable HR professionals to contribute to business success in an increasingly competitive global marketplace while looking after the organization’s most important asset – its employees.
  • As a successful graduate of this program you will qualify for approved credit towards the academic component of the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation granted by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA).
  • Students who receive an average grade of 70 per cent in these courses and maintain a minimum grade of 65 per cent in each course meet the coursework requirements to write the Comprehensive Knowledge Exams – a significant step towards becoming a CHRP. 

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1.  Occupational Health and Safety  
  2. Principles Of Human Resource Management  
  3. Organizational Behaviour for HR Professionals  
  4. Recruitment and Selection  
  5. Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Mental Health 
  6. Employment Law  
  7.  Foundations Of Managerial Accounting  
  8. Field Placement Seminar 2  
  9. Compensation Management 
  10. Training and Development  
  11. HR Planning 
  12. Field Placement 
  13. Employee and Labour Relations  

To apply please contact us.