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Interactive Media Development

Interactive Media Development

University: Confederation College

Course Level - Advance Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 3 Years
Intake - January-September

  • This three-year advanced diploma program will provide you with a strong foundation in graphic design, interactive design, web and mobile development, as well as 3D design, photography, audio/video storytelling and motion design.
  • You will be introduced to emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality and physical computing using industry standard software and equipment. You will learn to follow current practices and creative strategies as well as develop research and problem solving skills. Professional experience will also be gained as you work with teams and clients while exploring the business and entrepreneurial aspects of the industry.
  • In the final semester, you will go on a full-time professional work placement with a company or organization in your area of interest within the industry.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1.  College Writing    
  2.  Interactive Design and Development I    
  3.  Graphic Design Fundamentals I    
  4.  3D Design I    
  5.  Audio/Video Storytelling I  
  6.  Web Design & Development I   
  7.  Digital Photography & Imaging I  
  8.  Interactive Media Communications    
  9.  Interactive Design & Development II    
  10.  Graphic Design Fundamentals II   
  11.  3D Design II   
  12.  Audio/Video Storytelling II    
  13.  Web Design & Development II    
  14.  Digital Photography & Imaging II  
  15.  General Elective   
  16.  Mobile App Development    
  17.  Interface Design    
  18.  3D Design III    
  19.  Motion Design   
  20.  Web Development III   
  21.  Digital Photography & Imaging III  

To apply please contact us.