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Dental Hygiene I

Dental Hygiene I

University: Confederation College

Course Level - Advance Diploma
Type - Full Time
Duration - 3 Years
Intake - January-September

  • Professional dental hygienists have five primary responsibilities: clinical therapy (cleaning teeth), health promotion, education, administration and research. Generally, dental hygienists may work in private practice or independently providing client-centred care. Oral health promotion and disease prevention are their main focus.
  • Students will learn in the state-of-the-art classrooms and labs. Coursework includes topics such as microbiology for dental hygienists, principles in dental hygiene, preventive oral health promotion, research methods, health policy and advocacy and evidence-based practice.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE

  1.  College Writing   
  2.  Principles of Dental Hygiene I    
  3.  Histology and Embryology     
  4.  Microbiology for the Hygienist    
  5.  Dental and Orofacial Anatomy    
  6.  Radiography Theory for the DH   
  7.  Anatomy & Physiology I
  8.  Introduction to the Dental Hygiene Profession    
  9.  Principle of Dental Hygiene II   
  10.  Preventative Oral Health Promotion I   
  11.  Intro to Dental Materials    
  12.  General Elective    
  13.  Anatomy & Physiology II

To apply please contact us.