The Animation - 3D program at Centennial College runs for 16 consecutive months. In that time, it will prepare you to successfully launch a career in digital animation, film, television, broadcast design and games.
Created in 1996, on top of kick-starting the careers of hundreds of talented digital artists, this School of Communications, Media, Arts and Design animation program has an intensive approach that's become internationally recognized.
Animation - 3D will focus on production-style training and will offer a unique project-based learning experience that's applauded within the animation, visual effects and game industries.
Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE
Character Animation 1
Modeling and Texturing 1
Character Design
Story Production
Artistic Anatomy
History of Animation
College Communications 1
Character Animation 2
Modeling and Texturing 2
Rigging 1
Environment Design
Acting for Animation
Rendering and Comp 1
College Communications 2
Global Citizenship: From Social Analysis to Social Action