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MA Communication Studies

MA Communication Studies

University: Arizona State University

Course Level - Graduate
Type - Full Time
Duration - 2 Years
Intake - January-September

  • The MA in communication studies is a cutting-edge degree program designed for students who wish to pursue a wide range of today's communication professions.
  • With special emphases on both advocacy and social technologies as defining themes, students can tailor the program to their personal goals, focusing on topics such as interpersonal, organizational, sport, environmental, social media politics and global or technology-mediated communication.
  • Students use multiple perspectives to explore a variety of topics and issues in communication.
  • These include how individuals and collectives participate effectively in personal relationships; organizational settings and public dialogues across cultural contexts; and the impact and effects of media, mediated representations and new technologies. They also learn to use communication strategically to advocate for others.

Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL/PTE


To apply please contact us.