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Bachelor of Social Work

Bachelor of Social Work

University: Algoma University

Course Level - Bachelor Degree
Type - Full Time
Duration - 4 Years
Intake - Jan-May-Sept

  • Algoma University’s four-year Bachelor of social service degree offers scholar social service in making ready students to figure with people, families, groups, organizations, communities and societies.
  • Students registered during this program can examine a range of topics and can perceive however northern communities considerably disagree from urban communities with reference to health services, family and kid welfare, and therefore the financial aid system.
  • A degree in social service is very asked for within the work world. Plus, social staff square measure found within the broadest vary of geographic point settings: public agencies, personal businesses, hospitals, clinics, schools, nursing homes, personal practices, police departments, courts, etc.
Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/TOEFL


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